Cloud Migration

Choose Async Global as a cloud application development company to future-proof your infrastructure and ensure business agility.

Cloud Strategy

Regardless of their cloud maturity level, short- and long-term business strategy – all companies investing in cloud applications must abide by certain best practices. To harness the power of cloud, achieve business agility and reduce spending on cloud initiatives, they should plan and follow a detailed cloud adoption roadmap.

Your transition to the cloud operating model starts with a comprehensive assessment of your infrastructure, applications, and processes. We will work with you to carefully analyze IT estate and your business objectives, and plan cloud application development and/or migration in alignment with your most urgent business priorities and organizational capabilities.

Some of your systems may be simply re-hosted on the cloud infrastructure, without any changes to the application code. This strategy may benefit organizations that need to migrate legacy workloads out of their data centers to meet a specific deadline, or get to the cloud quickly in the least complex manner to proceed with further cloud software development in the future.

Application Modernization

Reengineering involves deeper changes to the application architecture and code, like transforming a monolithic application into a microservices (or serverless) architecture to enable its further evolution over time and/or ease its integration with other systems. This approach enables deeper integration with cloud-native capabilities and services and helps to maximize flexibility, agility, and scalability.

Services also include:

  • Cloud Native Development
  • Cloud Integration
  • Cloud Security
  • Cloud Analytics